How to avoid collision with the launchpad tower


I keep losing boosters to the launchpad tower. Is there any way to place my rocket further away from it?

Best Answer

As of .19, there is no more launch tower. Until the demo gets updated as well, though, this still applies to it.

There's no way to move your rocket away from the launch tower, but what you CAN do is build AWAY from it. When in the VAB, there's a hallway on one side. The side facing the door on the left is the side facing the launch tower.

I have helpfully drawn a diagram to illustrate this point: enter image description here

As long as you don't build too close to the outer edge of the VAB circle, you'll be alright: enter image description here

This far out will work. Adding more boosters to the side of the central engine will clip the side of the launch tower.

Theoretically, you COULD move the central point of the rocket out of the center of the launch circle, but that may be more effort than it's worth.