How to avoid the bug when you cannot join either team – class change and team change keys not working


Sometimes during the map restart, when there are many people joining blue or red team, I usually meet the bug when I choose a team to join, but it fails (due to too uneven number of players probably), and when I try to choose a team again, nothing happens – pressing , or . doesn't work – neither class menu nor team menu is appearing, and all I see is the map aerial view with scoreboard. The only thing to do is to re-connect to that server (which is not always possible if the server is full and you're still connected but 'stuck', so no player slot is available).

How to avoid this or how to prevent, or how to recover from such a bug?

Best Answer

In order to avoid it I suggest to not try entering more than once in the door of specified team, if the first time fails selected random.

Anyway, if it happens that you got stuck, you can easily recover from this bad situation by opening console and write


Retry command force a server reconnection and you access again the team selection screen. Sometimes, on busy servers with many people try connecting, this command causes to lose the slot.

For this reason, as suggested by @Dave McClelland in comments, is preferable use the command


because it fix the problem without forcing a re-connection.

If you really want to join RED or BLU team and reduce the probabilities to trigger that annoying behavior, I suggest to wait that half or more users on the server choose their own team, and then try enter your desired door.

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