How to backstab on PC


I am a PC player of the Dark Souls II game. I am already in NG+ and have invaded and killed hundreds of other players. I have huge difficulty performing backstabs. In fact, I have never actually done one. My theory is that a lot of PC players for dark souls 2 use a controller, and there is something specific with the controller controls that allow easy backstabs. You go behind someone and you press a specific button. Usually in a fight, if I show my back even slightly, I get insta-back-stabbed. But when I run behind people and light attack their back, nothing ever happens at all, in a month of gameplay. even mobs. Even a tutorial mob that was facing with its back to me. I just keep regularly attacking it's back even when I am in the perfect angle. So, who plays Dark Souls 2 on PC, and how do you backstab?

made a video about the problem:

Best Answer

When you are in the right position for a backstab, you need to use the light attack, and only with your weapon in your right hand. (The right hand is the attacking hand, and left hand, or 'off-hand' is the defensive).

To pull off a riposte, you need to wait momentarily (about 1 second) after deflecting the attack then use a light attack to initiate the riposte animation. This is also similar with the guard break animation. (Forward and light attack).

Trouble is, there appears to be a slight delay between players in most situations. When a spell is cast for instance, it would appear the spell hit, but then the other player would roll away, unharmed. This also affects back stabs and ripostes. You may appear to have correctly initiated the backstab or parry, but in fact the opponent has managed to avoid it.

I believe this is generally because when you invade, the person has a better connection to the server is favoured. Regardless whether you are the invadee or the invader.

This video may help explain the mechanic a little clearer on how and when to initiate the riposte (hit the attack button) after a parry.

I did a bit more research and found that the issue with keyboard and mouse is that there is an untimely delay when attacking with a mouse, making it extremely difficult to achieve the window required for the backstab/parry/etc. Try using a different keybinding for the light attack ('U' for example). This should eliminate the delay on your mouse.