How to be more effective in the end game


I usually end up getting to the top 20ish of the game and the circle starts to get really small. At this stage I've found I'm most effective if I stay near the edge of the circle and move my way in with it. However, I usually find I get shot in the back trying to do this or get picked off when moving in.

I've found a few tactics so far but have been unable to put any of them to great use:

  1. Stay near the edge of the circle and move in with it.
  2. Camp inside the zone in a building or near a rock and pick off players moving in late.
  3. Guess the centre of the smaller circles and hide near it hoping to camp it out.
  4. Constantly move around and try and pick players off.

How can I be more effective in the end game?

Best Answer

Everything depends on the weapons and stuff you have.

I suggest that you not use a car since you will become an easy target, but even on this I saw people winning shooting people with their car.

The best option would be to have some automatic weapon and something comparable to a sniper (or at least an AR with a x4 scope).

Turn around the blue circle toward the white circle and kill people you encounter if you can or if you can do it without being spotted too much.

The use of silencers are greatly advised.

Also, make sure you take part in people killing eachother.
For example, don't shoot at a guy being shot, but shoot the guy shooting at him.
Sometimes it's good to let him finish his target before killing him, so you don't have the target turning back on you.

The biggest word is silence and avoidng being flanked by someone.
Always be aware of what's happening around you and take the most advantageous position (something safe and with possibility to take intel from it).

Also avoid going into small cabins, since you will probably receive a grenade in there or die leaving the cabin.

As a summary:

  • Silence
  • Get information
  • Take opportunities
  • Place well
  • Move when necessary (especially since gas moves a lot end game)

All depends on your decision making and your placement.