How to beat Al Gore in a fight


Okay. So it seems that the only way to unfriend Al Gore is to beat the crap out of him. Straightforward enough.

Unfortunately, between his boring presentations on Global Warming which put me to sleep, and his trio of very well armed and armored Secret Service personnel, I'm finding that easier said than done. Unfortunately, my various adult and supernatural friends, like Mr. Slave, Jesus, Mr. Hanky, and that dude from the Chinese Restaurant, are unwilling to come to my aid. This leaves me in something of a pickle, as Butters would say.

How do I beat up the Vice President before he and his bodyguards kill me?

Best Answer

At first try as lvl 9 thief I got down to 1 special agent and suddenly lost like 100% of my health from the "screwed" effect in one turn, and lost, which sucked since I could have won if I just cured myself.

Each other attempt at battling him went from bad to worse, I would die in 2-3 turns...Which means I was extremely lucky the first time. So luck and reflexes are the key if you want to win in a head to wall situation, if you don't block everything especially concussion grenade, you will die immediately.

Otherwise if you have enough health/armor to survive few turns, you will need a lot of armor reduction, or spells that ignore armor, also try to kill the agent in the middle first since his concussion grenade is far too dangerous, then 2 other agents and lastly Al Gore.

Fortunately I heard of a smarter way to win this, and it is with the use of Jimmy. After encountering elves you will be able to select Jimmy to as your partner (which I haven't noticed for quite some time).

Now once you have him in your party you can go battle Al. After he calls reinforcements use Jimmy's "lullaby" spell as soon as you can, if you succeed this will put asleep 3 agents leaving you to fight just Al Gore, and pick off agents one by one. And make sure to use his "Power chord" ability before each lullaby, in order to restore your PP so you can always have enough for Lullaby.