Super Smash Bros Ultimate – How to Beat Pauline


This match seems to be a tough one. When you spawn, a few seconds later, a Mario with a Hammer spawns immediately above you and goes to where you are. About 15? seconds later, a permanent giant DK spawns. The goal of the match is to defeat Peach.

The problem I have seen so far amongst my futile attempts is that the Peach will constantly run away from you. The stage is definitely not fun at all, with tons and tons of platforms. The DK seems to suffer no hitstun because he is giant, and as a result I get smashed around constantly by him, and the Mario is just the cherry on top. Add all that, and you still have a time limit of only 2 minutes to get the job done or you automatically fail.

I've read a few guides online to deal with this but they just don't seem to work. One of the tips was to use the Cupid soul assist to laser the Peach off with the Staff, but from my experience, I can only get 1-2 hits on the Peach (which while it does do 30-42%, it does a very minimal amount of knockback) before the Mario comes in with the hammer forcing me to either block and endure it, or retreat to the side or the top, where the side defeats the purpose of the staff, and the top gives me no line of sight to the Peach. Another tip was to counter the Mario with Marth, then stealing the hammer, but for whatever reason I can't consistently steal the hammer; sometimes it'll drop, sometimes it'll just knock away the Mario before he continues hammering away. And when the hammer does drop, it only last so long, and usually doesn't last long enough to knock the Mario or DK out of the stage.

So looking for some advice on beating Pauline. Kinda peeving me that her stage is the only one sitting there on the entire map, and for completion sake I'd love to just get it over with. I'm currently sitting on normal difficulty but I'd be open for tips for hard mode as well, since I plan on trying hard after I finish World of Light on Normal.

Best Answer

Not sure if you are still having the problem, what I did was use Solid Snake, and rocket Mario until he drops the hammer. Then do the same to Donkey Kong, if you can bait him to pick up the hammer it's easier. You got to be very careful to not fall off the stage.

Now all you have to deal with is Peach, and I can't say whether I can offer a consistent strategy for her. I got a few rocket hits on her barely, she usually shields or dodges, I also tried to melee her, the only thing I relied on to finish her was the double final smash perk which is very easy to target her with. The only problem using the double final smash is the time limit, so best of luck, this is what worked for me though. As for spirits, I'm not in memory on what I used against her, try to use something to complement Snake. I think Revolver Ocelot upgraded is what I used as my main one.