How to beat Robert de Sable in the cemetary


I'm at the point in Assassin's Creed where I try to assassinate Robert de Sable on the cemetary in Jerusalem, but he notices that I am among the crowd and ambushes me with his men. I am having a hard time with that fight, it is far harder than the previous fights I got into.

I am constantly attacked by archers while I'm busy defending myself against the templar knights. The melee enemies are also pretty tough, I often fail parrying or counter-attacking them even when getting the timing right.

Any tips on how to win this fight? How do I prevent the archers from killing me and what do I need to know to effectively fight the templar knights?

Best Answer

It's been a while since I've played that fight, but I hope my memory serves me well enough for some tips ;)

Concentrate on the archers first. You can't block their shots and once they hit you you are open for attack, making them such a priority target, that you can easily justify getting hit a bit trying to get them. I forgot if you can climb up to them, if not use throwing knifes. One or two should be enough to kill one. If you have got one, you should be able to get something between you and the second one so he can't hit you.

When facing the melee fighters, never forget that putting yourself in a corner or near a wall will reduce the amount of enemies you have to fight. Also if you can break free, you can run in circles for a while, regnerating health synchronization.

The following youtube user chose a different path; he just ran away to a more favorable fighting spot: