How to beat the Incursion training missions in Elite: Dangerous


In the Elite: Dangerous there are two "Incursion" training missions that pitch you against tougher opponents in waves.

The last wave is an Anaconda with lots of turrets that just shred my shields.

How do you defeat the much more powerful ship?

Best Answer

At the time of writing, Elite at 1.5, this mission is broken and un-winnable unless you get very lucky with a glitch where the Anaconda can't deploy its guns.

With the PC 1.0 release they designed and playtested these missions, but there have been game design changes since then:

1.1 nerfed small and medium weapon damage against large targets. This is significant because that's all your ship has.

1.2 nerfed missiles - made them useless against shields and reduced their damage against hulls. This is important because the Asp carries these useless medium missiles as its main weapon.

1.4 changed the way module damage affects ships. Until this you could kill the Anaconda's power plant for a quicker kill.

1.5 improved Anaconda's weapon loadout and made its armour better defend its modules.

All these game balance changes have been good for the game, as it wasn't good that a medium Asp could be an even match for an Anaconda that costs at least 20 times as much. However they've made the training mission impossible - currently nobody has the Xbox achievement for beating these missions.

Frontier are aware of the issue but as yet there's no details on any fix or change to these missions.