How to breed the Cyclops dragon


The Cyclops dragon is a new dragon, and I have no idea how to breed one. Unlike most dragons, it isn't listed with an element combination to give me a clue.

How can I breed this dragon?

Best Answer

While any combination of Metal, Water, and Lightning has a chance of creating a Cyclops Dragon, I have it on good authority that the statistically fastest pairings to get one are:

  • Magnetic and (Seaweed or Swamp)
  • Cactus and Rust

Ash and Quicksilver has been a popular combo, although statistically the above listed pairings are the most likely to produce the Cyclops with the least amount of wasted time.

The breeding time is 33 hours without the breeding speed upgrade or 26 hours, 24 minutes with. Do note that this is not a time-limited dragon, so don't consider this a priority over other, less available dragons.