How to bring Cockram and Burgess closer together


In Sequence 9 Memory 2, one of the optional objectives is to double assassinate your targets, Burgess and Cockram. In my many attempts, I have not once seen them closer than a few metres apart, far too distant for any kind of double assassination. Even when they reach their ship and stop moving, they put 2 men in between them.

How am I supposed to bring these two together before I kill them?

Best Answer

The key to this mission is patience. As long as you are not detected, after you have found your targets (actually see them), they will start to take a predetermined route around the town. They will be walking around together so they should be easy targets to air assassinate when in range. You should not get detected during this part of the mission otherwise you'll get everyone riled up and your two targets will stop taking that route and split up.

You should (silently) take out guards that are covering the roofs or are within visual range of them. That way you can easily get into position to the nearest roof when they come by. Then lie in wait for them to get close enough and air assassinate them.

If you're having difficulty taking out enemies silently, take advantage of your sleep darts (and not your berserk darts) so you can close in and finish your targets easily. You don't necessarily have to take them out one at a time. If you spot a group, shoot them all with darts and finish them off.

I recorded a quick video demonstrating how easily this can be done:

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