How to build a Lureplant farm


I've read the wiki a few times on this, but I'm not quite certain I understand how lureplants work.

I've seen people build Lureplant farms. How do you go about this? How do you transplant the lureplant? Do you have to build flooring right around the lureplant to prevent eyeplants from sprouting?

And, is it worth the effort? How much meat does it produce?

I've read that you can build one right around a spider nest to farm spiders, too. Does the standard lureplant attack them, or do you need for it to sprout eyeplants to do this?

Best Answer

There are two ways to use Lureplants to farm things:

  1. Grow lots of Leafy Meat
  2. Use the Eyeplants to either kill or harvest something else.

In either case, you will need to transplant Lureplants. This is pretty simple: when you kill a Lureplant using your favorite weapons or allies, it will always drop a Meaty Bulb, which you can pick up like any regular item. Much like a Pine Cone (or, for that matter, Spider Eggs), you can right-click with the Meaty Bulb to plant it somewhere. Lureplants are always harmless; it's the Eyeplants that attack. Eyeplants only have 30 health, so a single (unmodified) Spear attack will take one out. Hacking your way to a Lureplant is easy.

Growing Leafy Meat

There is one special thing about Eyeplants: they don't grow on manufactured terrain like Wooden Flooring, Cobblestones, and the like. So make a bunch of flooring, build it in an area, and then plant a bunch of Lureplants on top of the flooring. Each Lureplant will generate a Leafy Meat every two days, but won't grow anything during the winter.

A cooked Leafy Meat gives you 18.75 hunger, and you consume 75 hunger per day; that's 4 cooked Leafy Meats. In theory, you'll be entirely satisfied by having 8 Lureplants in your farm, assuming that you harvest at exactly the right nanosecond.

You're usually better off using a Crock Pot, but Leafy Meat can't be cooked there; the other uses for Leafy Meat are to give it to the Pig King for gold, to give it to Pigs for labor, or to feed to a bird cage for eggs (whose food value is lower, but which can be used in a Crock Pot).

Harvesting Other Things

Lureplants are entirely harmless, but Eyeplants attack things around themselves. So give the Eyeplants a target! Put it near some Spiders, or plant a twig farm around them. Anything that the Eyeplants kill or pick up will end up in the Lureplant's inventory. If you want to make things easy on yourself, build a path to the Lureplant so that you don't have to kill Eyeplants to get to your loot.

Occasionally, you'll harvest the Lureplant by killing it; this will make it drop everything it hasn't digested yet. (It digests an item every 20 seconds.) Then re-plant the Lureplant, and it will grow Eyeplants again 2 days later and start attacking things again.