How to carry over some transfer budget into new season


In Fifa 15 career mode unfortunately transfer budgets do not carry over from one season to the next. Nuts, stupid decision, EA – makes no sense.

Well – I have read that many people claim the solution is to first shift all your funds from transfer to wages and then extend a contract of a player you don't want giving him a salary that is 100% the salary you can afford.

I tried this – In my case that's about 1 million euro on a player of about 65 rating. Problem is, that in the next season I can't seem to sell the player. Clubs show interest and I accept – however, they seem to never agree with the player on the terms of the new contract.

What am I overlooking at this glitch? Is there an upper limit on the wage relative to their rating?
Is there another option to carry over the budget?

Best Answer

Don't sell the player.

What I like to do is:

  1. Get an average player (71-76 rating) and make him available for loan. Clubs will be interested in him and loan him. This means that,

  2. The available cash will now be in the wage budget. Now all you have to do is,

  3. Transfer it into the transfer budget.

The good thing about this strategy is that when the player returns from loan, the budgets are not altered, which allows you to do it all over again continuously. I've made about 500 million dollars transfer budget with 1 million dollar wages within 4 seasons, and all the best players.