Pokémon Sapphire – How to Catch Rayquaza


I'm trying to catch a level 70 Rayquaza. I have a level 55 Kyogre equipped with Quick Claw.

My gameplan is this so far: use Ice Beam to get the Rayquaza to below 10% health, wait for the Rayquaza to use Rest to put itself to sleep, use Ice Beam again to get it to critical health, and finally chuck Ultra Balls at it repeatedly. However, I have tried this for many repetitions without any success.

What improvements can be made to my method to maximize the probability of successful capture?

Best Answer

I would recommend bringing a Pokemon that can paralyze or put Rayquaza to sleep. Moves like Thunder Wave or Hypnosis come to mind. These will increase your odds. (In addition, Rayquaza awakens from Rest after two turns while putting it to sleep yourself is likely to last longer, and Rest is a headache to contend with anyway.)

Besides that, you're pretty much doing as much as you can, so keep throwing Ultra Balls and hope for the best.