How to “change gravity”


I have a mission to "Change gravity 30 times in a single run". How do I change gravity? I thought maybe just touching the screen (activating the backpack), but I did that well more than 30 times and didn't get the completion. Since this is one of those missions that doesn't show progress, I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing.

Best Answer

To change the gravity, you need to have the Gravity suit. Once you have it, press the screen 30 times (non-consecutive: therefore if you crash, your counter will continue where it left off next time you pick up that vehicle) and you will complete that mission. To get the Gravity suit, try to obtain the vehicle item in your current run.

The vehicle pick-up appears as a rainbow block with gears in it.

From my experience the spawn type has been random

When the player touches the screen gravity reverses and Barry walks whether on the ceiling or on the ground depending on the direction gravity is facing.

Source of quote and picture

enter image description here