Dragon Age: Inquisition – How to Change Language


I'd like to play Dragon Age Inquision in english instead of the language of my operating system, but it seems to default to that and I can't find a way to change it. I already tried setting the Origin client language to english, but that didn't change anything.

Where can I change the language for Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Best Answer

After looking around a bit more I found an additional piece of DLC available for the game, an english voice over pack:

enter image description here

After slowly downloading the around 2.5 GB I was able to set the text and voice language to english in the audio section of the options menu ingame.

I'm not sure what triggered the availability of the language pack for me, it might simply not have been available when preloading, or it was made available the moment I switched the language of the Origin client to english.