How to complete “Proving Honor”


I'm having a bit of a problem with the Proving Honor quest and I'm not sure what I'm missing.

I'm level 21, have done numerous other quests/dungeons/dragons, and didn't really follow along on the Companions quests until now, but when I enter Dustman’s Cairn I just get destroyed by the first three Draugr that appear in the area.

Farkas is practically killed instantly too, so I'm wondering what I'm missing. Or is there is some dungeon or area that adjusts to my level, and should I just come back when I'm higher level?

Best Answer

It is somewhat known that most areas have some sort of scaling mechanic. If you have a quest that is quite difficult it could be a number of things:

  • The game's difficulty setting
  • The level of the skills you are using affecting how well you can do combat
  • the scaling, when combined with the difficulty setting, has made the enemies much too difficult
  • The equipment you are currently using
  • The combat strategy you have been using has been inefficient and it hasnt been a problem until now

Try setting the difficulty lower and see how low it needs to go before it becomes managable. It may just be that the scaling for that quest is off.