How to counter a heavy Torb/Bastion defense on Hanamura B


I'm noticing a lot lately, particularly on Hanamura B, that the defensive team will stack a couple of Torbjorns with a Bastion. Their remaining team comp will usually be a healer, some sort of harasser/flanker to keep people from taking long-range potshots, and then probably another harasser or a Reinhardt to shield the stationary defense.

I'm finding these sorts of defensive compositions incredibly difficult to beat, assuming the enemy players are competent. It's difficult to take out the Torbjorns first because they can decently hang in the back and hide, and taking out their turrets usually only buys you seconds before the next turret is back up. Even peeking out to snipe at them with Widow/Pharah/S76 is tough because with 2 turrets, you get shredded quickly. A Reinhardt on offense can help but Bastion can shred his shield pretty quickly, not leaving a lot of time to take out the turrets/Bastion before you're under heavy fire.

In particular, when playing against this on a PUG, it can be very very difficult to coordinate an offensive strategy to deal with it. That said, I'm not even sure what kind of offensive strategy to recommend or how to deal with it if I'm in a group of friends willing to cooperate. What's the best way to bust up this kind of defense and capture the point?

Best Answer

Recently I was the defender you described. We didn't have a Bastion but we had a lot of Torbjorns.

What you are looking for is someone who can do a lot of splash damage from a good distance. While defending B my concerns were D'Va ult, Phara flanking from behind (generally anyone that can scale the left side where there isn't a path - had a Reaper few others come behind us a couple of times).

But the hero that annoyed us the most was a JunkRat. He was sitting nicely hidden in one of the rooms with a health pack and was spamming his primary fire. While doing so he'd bounce his balls on the walls and generally land them around us. He did quite a lot of damage and what probably saved was me getting really angry at him and going solo (even ulting to stay alive) and hunt him down.

More situational would be a well placed Hanzo ult, that would go trough the most entities.

TLDR: Junkrat behind a cover will do the job.

Here are some compositions that do NOT work: (But can be found in the answers bellow)