Overwatch – How to Counter a Team of Multiple Torbjörns


If the enemy team picks up multiple Torbjörns, specially while defending a map, I find it extremely difficult to capture even the first point, because each turret is defending another, and hidden behind walls where a sniper can't hit them without being attacked from another.

And it can be even harder if one of them picks Symmetra and puts more turrets and a teleporter, or a Reinhardt shields one of the main turrets, that protect the others (for instance, top right of the capture point in Volskaya).

What are the best group compositions and strategies to counter this?

Best Answer

A Reinhardt or more than one, with good long range damage dealers such as Widowmaker, Zenyatta, Soldier: 76, or Pharah. The hard part is getting everyone to hide behind Reinhardt's shield, but once everyone's in place, the turrets deal very low DPS and will be easy to take out.