Titanfall-2 – How to Deal with Enemy Pilot on Titan in Titanfall 2


Sometimes when I'm in multiplayer and in my titan, I am notified that an enemy pilot is atop my titan and attacking.

What recourse do you have in that situation? How can I combat this tactic when used against me?

Best Answer

If you have enough of your core bar charged, you can use the counter rodeo measures, which deploys your electric smoke. This won't stop the pilot outright, but if you react quickly enough, it typically can get them down to 10% HP.

If you're near allies, they can shoot off the pilot and a friendly titan can just melee them to insta-kill them. Granted, the best thing to do is not get rodeo'd at all.

To do that, try to avoid high buildings/walls, as pilots need to attack from above to rodeo. If they drop down, it's much harder to spot them. If you do spot a pilot trying to get on you, a titan melee can one-shot them and titan guns can usually 1 - 2 shot pilots, with the exception of legion.