How to deal with Dark Pit players as Samus/D. Samus


The following is an inquiry about the Samus vs D. Pit match up specifically.

The problems I face in this match up specifically are:

  • The speed of Pit's arrows makes them better for spamming than my rockets
  • Pit's side special has more range than Samus' grapple hook (z-air or grab) and dash attack which makes it hard to close the gap without getting hit
  • I can't use projectiles to force him to jump since Pit/D.Pit can deflect them back instead.

How can I mitigate the effectiveness of these moves specifically?

Best Answer

Problem 1: Spamming

Projectile spam will not help you in this match-up. You need to approach fairly quickly, (unless you are charging your neutral special) which isn't match-up specific, just a Samus thing. What your projectiles could be useful for is approaching - they force your opponent to reflect, shield, or jump. Of course, you should anticipate a reflection with a spot dodge, but not before you've managed to get a little closer to your opponent.

Dealing with Dark Pit's arrows isn't the easiest - parrying each one is probably your best bet, though. You might want to practice this some.

Problem 2 - spacing

Ah, Pit's side-b. The bane of life.

No really, it can be super annoying. Still, zair is a good option, especially when fastfalled. Predicting when Pit will use Side-B is half the battle - it is very punishable.

A good strategy might be to come in carefully with zairs that don't actually hit your opponent, but do keep them at bay, and too close to arrow-spam. Patiently wait until they close that last little gap with an attack, then shield (hopefully parry) and you have your opening.

Problem 3 - reflectors

This one hurts, too. However, you can use it to your advantage. By shooting some obvious projectiles (rockets) as reflector bait, you can sometimes run in and take advantage of the reflector's very long end-lag. Maybe rocket-> down-b roll in -> grab?

Final thoughts

You might also want to have a counter-pick for this match-up, since it is unfavorable.