How to deal with Jahzracht


I'm having trouble with Jahzracht, both on the spelling and killing side of things. He does not seem to have a whole lot of vulnerabilities and so far the only thing I've seen that kind of works is trying to deny any damage on his attacks with Aegis (it also cures being on fire). While it does deny any and all damage when active, that's not very reliable, however, and doesn't deal much in terms of damage.

I thought I could kick him out of guard, then push him on the many fire cannons around, but they don't seem to deal any damage to him. Maybe use ice attacks instead? So far I've only got Frozen Shard, replacing Aegis, and Frost Blade, replacing Refresh; I'm not comfortable swapping either of these, so all I'm left with is Arctic Javelin in the air slot (which does mediocre damage) and Ice Tower, which deals no damage at all.

What's the key to this boss?

Best Answer

He's actually fairly easy when you use Frost Blade. Without it, every 2-3 attacks on the boss will make him use his counter attack, which is the fire circle that surrounds him. But with Frost Blade, this doesn't trigger, so you can attack him at will.

When he starts blocking your attacks, use a heavy attack to break his guard. He will then jump on the side of the room and then jump back in the middle to unleash his fire attack. You can jump approximately where he lands to avoid said fire attack, and then just spam your regular attacks again.

He will use the Fire Vortex 3 times or so during the fight (at fixed life values). To avoid it, go in one of the corners, and try to avoid the little lasers that will pop up. They pop right above your head, so move a little to dodge them all. You should have enough space in a corner to never get hit by those.

Rince and repeat and he'll be gone in no time. But don't forget to refresh the Frost Blade often.

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