How to deal with small worlds in tormented space


In "Tormented Space", there are plenty of small worlds where enormous amounts of creeper is quick to overwhelm almost any position on the map; quickly enough that they appear impossible. For example, the inhibitor world in S200_180.

How can I survive for the first few minutes on those maps? Are some of them just plain impossible?

Best Answer

Indeed, some of them are impossible to beat since the maps were randomly generated (unlike maps in the main campaign which were handcrafted). For really hard but possible maps, you'd wanna consolidate around a small spot on the highest ground you can find and build lots of reactors shoulder to shoulder. Defend your tiny base with Mortars and Beams. You may need to do some micro-managements so that Mortars won't waste their energies on spots with thin creepers. Once you build up a stable power supply network you basically have won.