How to deal with Warrior stuns


Warriors (hammer-using Warriors in particular) seem capable of greatly turning the tables in their favor when they land a Stun on me, typically resulting in me losing about half of my health or more throughout the duration of the Stun.

  • What should I look out for to prevent being stunned?
  • If I get stunned, how should I react to avoid their burst?

If it matters, I am an Elementalist, which means that my stun break (Armor of Earth) is also my primary source of Stability.

Best Answer

There are three things you can do :

  • dodge when you see it coming
  • stability to prevent its effect
  • stun-breaker when you didn't react in time or have no other options

The best way to find out how it looks like is to try it yourself, this way you will know exactly how it looks like. You can create a new character warrior and go to the PvP zone and try it out. If you don't want to go through that, go on youtube !

The main stuns of a warrior are :

As an Elementalist you have a number of skills which can break stun :
(Credit to DavidYell for adding the elementalist skills)

P.S. : For PvP I really recommend trying out every class to better understand its mechanics, reading information and guides on it is great, but experience is key!