How to determine an NPC’s level


Basically, I want to try to do a survivalist, perma-death playthrough of Skyrim on master difficulty on PC.

I tried it a few months ago and it was really, really fun. You think about things a lot more before rushing into battles, and it actually feels like you're actually there, especially when you refuse to fast travel. You start pining for peaceful locations when your potions are running low and you're stuck in forsworn turf.

The thing is, on this previous play-through, I was killed by a bounty hunter in one hit. Despite all my precautionary wards, amulets and potions, this guy came up to me and killed me in one. He looked like just a normal human (rather than a dragon priest or anything) so there was no way of telling he was going to do this.

How can I view an NPC's level? Or prevent being one-shotted?

Best Answer

You can use the console command getlevel after targeting the NPC to determine his level. This obviously only works on PC, there is no way to do that on a console.

As for not getting one-hit killed, you need to use smithing to improve your armor and get some magic resistance.