How to determine if it is a kinetic, energy or power weapon


I'm about to choose between 3 different exotic weapons as quest reward.

For me it is very important which of them belongs to what slot, as that is highly dependable for my decision. But I can't figure out what the type of the weapon is from the quest reward dialog or item inspection.

Am I missing something? Or might there be a way to figure it out?

Best Answer

Kinetic weapons have their Power value in white, with no elemental symbol (red flame, blue spark, purple vortex) by the value.

Energy weapons and Power weapons both have elemental damage. Those are the symbols I mentioned above and correspond to Solar, Arc, and Void.

Exotics notwithstanding (though I believe only Fighting Lion breaks the mold by being a Grenade Launcher in your Energy Weapon slot),

Kinetic weapons and Energy weapons share the same weapon type. These are:

Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, Handcannons, Sidearms, Sub-machineguns

Power weapons are exclusively:

Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Fusion Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Swords, Shotguns, and Linear Fusion Rifles.

And as you have discovered, you can always press Q or LT, whichever your appropriate keybinding is, to preview the weapon compared to your current equipped weapon in that slot.