How to do the wall jump in Super Metroid


I have always had a problem with the wall jump in Super Metroid. Is there some trick to getting it to work?

As a kid, when I got to the pit in Brinstar where the etecoons try to teach you to wall jump, the only way for me to get out was to roll into a ball and use my turbo controller to bomb jump myself out. I could never figure out how to properly do the wall jump.

Best Answer

There is a trick to the timing, that I only just discovered (after having played this game for years).

When jumping towards the wall, you do not push away and jump at the same time (which would make sense). Instead, you have to push away from the wall, and then push jump, about 150-250 ms later.

The trick is to watch for Samus's sprite to change from somersaulting to this:

Samus ready to do a wall jump

The instant you see that sprite, push the jump button.