How to dodge missiles while playing a fighter-jet match


I am having a hard time determining the easiest way or a strategy for dodging missiles when playing the fighter jet free-for-all in GTA V Online. I have tried stalling out, slowing down, or turning sharply while holding down the thruster… Most of the time, this fails me and I get blown out of the sky.

What tactics can I use when doing air to air combat with jets to survive longer? Is there a way to deploy flares?

Best Answer

I've done this in both online and offline and have a 90-95% success rate...

As soon as you hear the missile lock alarm, you want to perform a roll-off-the-top. As soon as the alarm sounds, pull back hard on the stick at full throttle to start your loop. The moment you are at the top of your loop, roll over so your fighter is level with the ground again.

When successful, you should see the missile pass high to your left or right and you have also broken visual contact with the other combatant.

Note - If you are just leaving the military base with the jet, especially online, after completing the roll-off-the-top you want to immediately drop your altitude to as close to the ground as possible, ideally over the ocean. This will prevent the base from getting another missile lock on you.