How to easily find primitive species planets in the territory


I'm playing in a galaxy with many primitive species. I would like to build observations posts over those planets that are within my territory. How do I easily find the locations of these planets?

Best Answer

Plan A: As they come within your borders.

Give your construction ships orders from the Galaxy View Instead of the System View unless you are:

  • Ordering up a military station.
  • You are mineral poor.

When a new system enters my borders and I've got a free construction ship, I'll select the ship, and right click on the new system to build any applicable stations. For those few times a primitive species is in the system, you'll see "build observation post" in the menu between "build research stations" and "build frontier station". This is the easiest time to build observation posts.

If you do use System view to build your utility stations one at a time, the civilization's icon to the left of their world name should also be a pretty big flag that it is a site for an "alternative research station"

Plan B: Go back after you've already built up the system.

This one is a little more fiddly. Open up the "Contacts" report and uncheck the 3 boxes at the top which don't represent the (grey) primitive species. At this stage, you can iterate through the list and click on the camera-like icon to focus your view on their home system. If they are within your borders, send a construction ship. Do this a couple times and you'll start to see the virtue of Plan A.