How to effectively run away from hostile creatures


So, I have been playing quite a bit of The Secret World over the weekend and have worked my way through the main story line in Kingsmouth.

I have noticed two things. First is that when I run into something that can squash me, usually by accident, I have a very hard time getting away. Second is that you can not kite a creature too far in a single direction with out its health being instantly restored and it returning to where it came from.

What I would like to know is how I can combine these. Clearly there is a distance I can get away from a creature in order to run away but when I am truly trying to run away I have never been able to get the creatures to break off of me.

Is there some logic that is keeping them chained on to me because they know they are going to do me in as opposed to when I am kiting them and winning they will eventually give up? Is it time based instead of distance maybe? I just can not figure this out.

Best Answer

I've found one of the most effective ways to deal with hostiles following you that you're uninterested in dealing with is to kite them to the nearest encampment of friendly NPC's who can handle them for you. In Kingsmouth, the Sheriff's office is your best bet, for example, but Norma Rae, and Eddie in his dogs in the Scrapyard both also hold their own fairly well, to provide a few examples.

Particularly notable for this practice are encampments in which The Council of Venice have set up shop. They're well armed, have a pretty decent aggro radius, and can be found all over the place in many zones. Make a note of these encampments, because they're generally safe spots to run to.