How to effectively use the 2 Tracer + 2 Winston + 2 support comp


I've read that a lot of higher end teams will rush the first point on a map like Hollywood with 2 Tracers, 2 Winstons, and two support. Somewhere where they have to capture a control point. I hear it isn't great after that assuming he enemy team changes to counter, but initially it is strong.

What makes this comp so powerful on capture points? If I were to try it with a 6-man group, how should each class play and prioritize targets? How do you approach the point?

Best Answer

There's a similar strategy involving 4 Winstons and 2 Lucios

The strategy in this is for Payloads specifically, but it works for capturing points too. The idea is to get as many characters to the objective as quickly as possible. Tracer has a high base movement speed and can Blink, Winston can use his super "Hulk Jump" Pack and Lucio can speed buff everyone and provide a bit of healing once everyone's on the objective as well.

The reason its so good, especially at the start of a match, is basically because as far as I can tell it's the fastest comp out there. If you get to the points quicker you can capture them quicker and immediately put your opponents on the defensive.

As for the strategy itself, The Tracers blink around and be generally annoying, harassing anybody who's trying to snipe, the Winstons jump right into the centre, immediately throw down barriers and Tesla everything, and the Lucios run around providing as much speed to those coming back in and healing to those already there as possible.