How to ensure that I cut the nemeses’ heads off


I understand that I need to cut off the head of a Uruk captain to make sure they stay dead, but I don't know how to do this reliably. Once in a while I get lucky and a finishing move decapitates the enemy, but other times I simply run them through and they're up again and chasing after me the next day.

Is there any way to guarantee that a finishing move is a beheading?

Best Answer

There is a way where, when executed properly, you can ensure you a 100% decapitation.

You have to unlock the Wraith Finisher Skill, that garantees you a decapitation (well, a head explosion...) after the entire combo.

To do that, tap E (on PC) to stun your victim, and then spam Right Click (normal attack).

Note that the finisher will only activate if your commander is low health, while always works on normal Uruks.

Sadly using the normal finisher, there's nothing that can garantee you a 100% decapitation.