How to ensure the right workers are in the right houses


I play Banished quite frequently. Reading other people's tips and reviews and the consensus is to not build houses too far away from each citizen's workplace.

My question: Say for example I have all farms on one side of my map and a forest with gatherers, hunters, ect on the other side. I build houses next to each of the work locations. How can I make sure that the foresters, gatherers and such live in the housing that's closest to their workplace and the farmers live in the housing that closest to their farms?

Best Answer

Over time, this will happen completely on its own. All workers will try to live as close to their work place as possible.

That said, family ties can cause problems here. A Forester and a Blacksmith living together may be a problem. You can manipulate this by reassigning jobs, or building a boarding house (to break family ties) and temporarily closing down homes to relocate people.