How to execute well-timed taunt kills


I want to know if TF2 taunt kills can be done during the heat of battle.

I have looked it up TF2 wiki but I cannot find anything satisfactory. The closest thing is a YT demo of a Scout stunning a Sniper, pointing to the sky and then kill him with a bat.

Any videos of live game taunt kills would be nice.

Best Answer

My best advice is to predict where the enemy is going to go. For example, if an enemy was going down the vents in Turbine, you may want wait behind a bend and initiate your taunt kill, so that it will hit the enemy when he turns the corner.

One particular taunt kill I got, I saw a Soldier coming up the path. I retreated and waited behind where he was going to pop out of, and taunted.

If your goal is specifically to get a taunt kill, you may want to favor certain classes. Heavy has the fastest taunt kill, with Pyro's Hadouken slightly slower than the Heavy's.