How to expand the realm without going to war


I really enjoy the diplomacy, marriage, and plot options in Crusader Kings 2. I'm after options and ideas on ways to expand my realm in this game without war. Examples from games you've played would be awesome if you have them. I find it more fun to scheme sometimes as war can be a bit straight forward (it also wrecks havock in my levies for some time – somehow I always get called to war right after a personal war of expansion).

Oh, it wouldbe helpful to list which DLC you need if applicable.

Best Answer

One strategy is to find an unlanded noble who is in line to inherit a title outside your realm, invite them to court, and then grant them a title within your realm that is of equal or higher rank than the one they're set to inherit (i.e. if he's inheriting a county you can't just give him a barony). If the other realm has crown laws set to medium or lower, then the title will fall into your kingdom when they inherit.