Torchlight 2 Guide – How to Farm Experience Efficiently


I do not meet the recommended level for any of the areas that currently contain quest locations. I could probably take the challenge there anyway, but I am curious how I would go about gaining enough experience to get to the recommended levels if I had a mind to.

Is there any way to go back through areas you've already cleared out and kill the enemies there again? Is there some way to reset the area I just cleared so that the enemies respawn there?

Best Answer

Start a LAN game, check the 'Reroll world' box. All the enemies will be respawmed (possibly allowing you to spawn side quests that didn't appear in the original world - I haven't cared to check for that yet). You'll lose your character's original world. but you'll have tons more mobs to kill. It's kinda boring, tbqh - that level jump isn't as hard as you might think, and the only real annoyance I've had is that items don't drop ID'd anymore because they're higher level than I am. Playing on Normal - my Veteran character got devoured and spat back out trying to do the same thing.