How to feed on people as a vampire or vampire lord


For a quest, I have to seduce Dexion Evicus then to feed on him. I succeeded in the first task, but the second is becoming annoying: I've reduced his life-total many times to zero, but I don't get the option to feed on him.

So – while I'm in the Vampire Lord form, how I can I feed on him?

I accidentally fed on a previous thrall, but I just can't reproduce that.

Best Answer

You have to wait until the target is sleeping. Then, go into sneak mode and click as if you are going to pickpocket them. You will then be presented with a screen asking you if you want to feed on the target or pickpocket them. Just make sure that nobody is watching, because you will get into trouble with the law and will have to pay your bounty or go to jail (because feeding on people is illegal).

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