How to figure out which ? Bitizen I am seeing


I'll admit it, I'm not really much of a Star Wars fanatic, and as such, I have trouble naming even the supposedly "simplest" bitizens in Tiny Death Star.

As such, when a ? bitizen appears, I have immense trouble figuring out the name of the bitizen so I can at least see if I have any floors I can get unique scenes with.

Is there a guide that lists the picture of the bitizen along with the name of it? The only "real" characters I know are Boba Fett, the guy with the green suit.

Right now I'm kinda stuck; I have a character with a brown hood and yellow glowing eyes, and I have no clue what his/her/it name is.

Best Answer

There is a guide to this located within the game itself! Click on the menu tab located in the lower right hand corner. Next click on Album and click on the Bitizens tab.

This is an album of all the different species and characters. Tap on the picture and it will give you a small bio of the bitizen or species.

One thing to note, the pictures will frequently change colors if you go into and come back into this album. This is to show you all of the different permutations of coloring of the species.

I've attached a picture which I believe shows the character you are asking about (the Jawa).

Album jawa