How to find out how many 2* champions are there on Marvel Contest of the Champions


Not every champions has a 1*, 2*, 3*, 4* version. Every time I get a 2* champion it is a duplicate, which makes me believe I have collected them all. But there is no way I can know for sure without looking at a list of all 2* champions. Something that cannot be found in-game.

After reading through many outdated forum posts from Kabam and GameFAQs I decided to ask here.

How do I find out how many 2* champions are there on Marvel CoC? Is there a list in-game? Is there an official list?

Best Answer

As of today there are 37 2* champions. There is no way to find out that information in game. The best source so far where people are trying to maintain a fairly updated list would be Wikia.

Marvel Contest of The Champions Wikia

They recently added a row with total number of champions. They do a very good job keeping it up to date.

There is also a very nice open project on github where you can see a map with all the champions and their synergies.

I have requested on Kabam forum to add a filter option to show all available champions.

Kabam forum proposal