How to find the final boss in Starbound


I'm playing the last unstable version (not nightly).

I've managed to obtain all artefacts and opened the gate in the Ark Ruins and teleported to the Ruin (planet) where the final boss should be.

But how do I find him? I've tried to dig to the bottom of the planet and found nothing but a bottomless pit. I've walked the full circle on the surface and again found nothing.

I guess he is buried somewhere underground, but the planet is huge! Are there any tricks to find him quickly?

Best Answer

The final boss is in the unstable branch right now, and presumably has been since they pushed 1.0 to unstable last week.

The bottomless pit you speak of isn't actually bottomless. I was confused myself, since the advice SAIL gives gave me the impression I wasn't supposed to go down any farther.

Get down the pit (descending platforms or dumping a few thousand blocks of collapsing material like sand or slime can help), and then walk left or right continuously. You'll find the boss fairly quickly since it's a smaller planet.