How to fix a stuck camera


I generally prefer the third person perspective over the first person one.

I switched out following the intro, and things have gone well till I started the Dark Brotherhood quest. That seemed to have bounced me back into first person, and I can't switch out. I try pressing on the right stick (Xbox controller, but PC version of the game), nothing. I reassign the key to X, press that, nothing. I take the controller out, try F on the keyboard and rolling the mouse wheel, nothing. I reassign THOSE keys, nothing.

Frustrated, I try loading a previous save, and those games are also locked in the camera (although generally locked in 3rd person).

I'm at my wits end here; and I'm honestly wondering if I'm doing something wrong, that there's something else you need to do to trigger the camera angle change.

Anyone have any ideas?

Best Answer

Maybe the following topic will help you: How do I get out of third person view?

Enter and leave werewolf mode again.

Yes, it's as simple as that. Go to the magic menu and select the Beast Form, then press the button you use to cast a dragon shout. It might be necessary to do this at night or perahps inside a dungeon, then you can go outside and use the wait system to wait till it is day again. You should be able to zoom back into the character afterwards...

On XBOX 360 or PS 3, hold the camera button and then zoom in the camera.

Play around with it going left / right / up / down, you should eventually be able to zoom in.