Overwatch – How to Fix Missing Crosshairs and Incorrect Hero Portraits


When I'm playing Overwatch, sometimes the crosshairs will disappear, or they will show up as a large black box, or there will be hero portraits or health bars covering them when they shouldn't be. Below is an example of crosshairs being obscured:

enter image description here

Also, when at the hero selection screen, sometimes the hero portraits will be missing, or will display the incorrect hero, as shown below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I'm using 2 GTX 980 graphics cards in SLI. I tried setting "Force rendering profile 2" under SLI settings for Overwatch in my NVIDIA control panel, as suggested on some forums and Reddit, but it hasn't resolved the issue.

I have my graphics settings set to Epic in Overwatch.

Best Answer

I tried downgrading my graphics settings in Overwatch from Epic to Ultra, and it resolved all of the issues with the disappearing crosshairs and incorrect portraits.

So I suspect that one or more settings under Epic is what causes the issue, but I haven't experimented to pin-point which settings those are exactly.