How to fix the light beam in the Oculory

graphics cardpcthe-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim

Apart from the occasional invisible spider web I didn't run into severe graphic glitches, but now I'm trying to focus the light beam in the Oculory – but… which light beam?

This is how it looks for me:

no light...

while it should look like

How can I fix the light?


  • I waited for all daytimes, no light beam. Ever. It's definitely a graphics glitch since I also can't see spider webs blocking my path. edit In fact I can slightly guess about the light beam's presence when moving, but they are too weak to be actually useful
  • I don't want to blindly apply the actual solution, or use the console to skip this quest stage, I want the light beam to show up and solve the puzzle myself

Best Answer

Try restarting the game, there is a bug with some effects disappearing after a while, especially after minimizing Skyrim in fullscreen mode. If that doesn't work, try switching from fullscreen to windowed mode and restarting the game or vice versa.