How to force an enethe to surrender and accept the demands


I am totally stumped this OFTEN happens;
I'm at war and the enemy has one county. I have successfully seiged all holdings in this county but the enemy (in this case the chieftess of Rogaland) still refuses to peace with enforced demands.
What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

In order to enforce demands, you generally need to have 100% warscore.

Warscore can be gained in four ways:

Winning battles against enemy armies.

Sieging down and occupying enemy holdings.

In some Casus Bellis, the warscore will tick up or down if the targeted province is fully in the attacker's or defender's hands.

Holding prisoners. If the leader of a war is captured, warscore becomes 100% in his enemy's favour. Captured close relatives of the war leader also affect the war score.

Warscore gains from victories in battle or from occupying holdings are larger if they're against the war leader as opposed to his allies. Battles have half their usual warscore value in crusades.

If your war score is still not 100% after occupying all their visible holdings, they might have holdings you do not know about.
