How to fulfill “film shoot” in pocket planes events


Please help me I love pocket planes but cannot figure out how on earth to fulfill events please help anyone good at pocket planes. Pease specifically help me on completing "film shoot" I am having trouble.

Best Answer

Both of the other answers here are correct but incomplete. You fulfill events by delivering 1000 cargo/passengers to the specified destination during the event in progress. Because it is nearly impossible to get more than a few hundred (at the most) during a single 12-hour span, this means that you will have to wait for some events to come around several times before you have finished fulfilling the requirement. At the end, you receive 15 bux.

Strategically, if you wait for an event to take place at a class 3 airport, you can use larger, faster airplanes and thus deliver more items within the allotted time period.

For a global event, which has items highlighted in blue, and which goes for 3.5 days (instead of 12 hours), you must be a member of a flight crew and deliver (usually) at least 50 cargo/passengers in order to be eligible for prizes (the exact amount of required cargo/passengers is located in flight crew --> prizes). The prizes you receive for global events vary from event to event. Sometimes you receive bux, sometimes airplane parts, sometimes entire airplanes. However, your flight crew must rank within the top X number of deliveries in order to win prizes.