How to get a shark to attack me when diving


I'm trying to finish up some challenges and one of them is to survive a shark attack 10 times. I somehow managed to get two sharks to attack me but can't really figure out how I did that. They only seem to want to take a bite of me and run away… but not an actual attack.

How do I get a shark to attack me when diving?

Is it totally random how they attack me? Or do I need to provoke them in a certain way before they attack me? Maybe a certain health level?

Best Answer

Shark attacks are indeed random. There doesn't seem to be a sure-fire way to get them to attack you. I've tried many ways to provoke an attack but could not find any pattern to it:

  • Swimming out in the open water.
  • Swimming directly at them.
  • Swimming up to them from behind.
  • Swimming below them.
  • Swimming above them.
  • Swimming with your back to them.
  • Swimming near jellyfish.

No pattern, they'll attack when they feel like it. Just make yourself an easy target for them and hope that they'll actually attack you and not just take a bite.

If you're trying to complete the Abstergo challenge, it's best to find a school of sharks that are swimming near the diving bell. Try different diving locations until you find them. At least if you were unsuccessful getting them to attack you and you're low on health, you could always retreat to the bell to recover your health and oxygen.