How to get Ghost while waiting for the funicular in Picus


So here I am waiting for a "funicular" and I've got all these mines and a cute little robot with machine guns guarding the doors, but for some reason I can't get the ghost award. The radar doesn't go red or say hostile. No one sees me. Everyone dies within about 3 seconds. I've tried different ways for about an hour without getting it.

Did anyone actually get ghost here? Is it even possible? If you did, how?

Best Answer

To my recollection, I did get Ghost in this room. To do so, as soon as I hit the switch I activated stealth and crouch-walked into the nearest hole in the floor, where a floorboard had been removed. I hid inside this vent area until the funicular finally arrived, and then activated stealth, went into the funicular and closed it to complete the objective. No one was harmed, and nobody saw me.