How to get into the large area in the bottom-right of the Sundari Flatlands


I've been eyeing this area on the map (Republic only):


How can I get up there? What's in that area?

Best Answer

Start off here — (1495, 1359) near the Upper Sundari Outpost:

enter image description here

After jumping up the rocks you'll get to this grassy plateau:

enter image description here

At the back of which is a path:

enter image description here

Head down here:

enter image description here

Hang a right:

enter image description here

You've made it! This place is entirely empty, panorama:


But there are some invisible walls/floors:

enter image description here enter image description here

This is overlooking where you head up:

enter image description here

It's hard (though not impossible) to get back out the way you came, but there's plenty of other ways out like just jumping down in the image above. I was hoping for a datacron or something here (why else would I spend so much time trying to get up there :P), but nope. Maybe something is planned for here in a future update.