How to get MVP in MAG


I have clocked up over 140 hours in MAG and rarely get less than a 3-1 kill/death ratio. Despite this, I have only ever got third Most Valuable Player on one occasion. Can someone give me some pointers on how to top the MVP.

Best Answer

MVP is awarded to the player with the most experience (before the bonus XP that is rewarded at the end) in the game. Some ways to boost your XP include:

  • Reviving your teammates often (+10 per revive)
  • Become a veteran (+10% XP per game)
  • Deploy through directives (+10% XP per game)
  • Destroy vehicles
  • Stay in FRAGO areas as often as possible
  • Blow up items that are fragged
  • Repair when you can
  • Be the SL/PL
  • And of course, netting kills