How to get other Titans during the Beta


I've seen some people in the fast Titan during the beta and heard them talk about the armored Titan; how can I get them during the beta? Is there any guaranteed way other than the randomly dropped burn cards?

Best Answer

In the full game you can select the types of titans in customization. However, in the Beta you could only select the Atlas. The Titans are:

  • Atlas - Attack type, balanced armor and mobility. Its ability core doubles damage for a short time
  • Stryder - Mobility type, low armor high mobility. Its ability core allows for unlimited dashing for a short time
  • Ogre - Tank type, Low mobility. very high health. Its ability core amps its shield to absorb twice as much damage.

The only way to use the other titans in the beta is through burn cards. You can get titan specific burn cards by completing titan specific challenges (traveling X distance in a titan gets you stryder card)