Hollow Knight – How to Get Out of Crystal Peak


I am playing Hollow Knight entirely blind, and I seem to have gotten myself stuck in Crystal Peak. Here's the map as I can see it:

Currently Visible Map

There are five things on the map which might be exits. Unfortunately, all of them are inaccessible or extremely difficult.

  1. The first part of this long cavern is crossable with a super dash, but unfortunately the last part of the cavern has a long vertical drop following by a long width of crystal-covered floor too wide to cross with a dash. You can charge a super dash on top of the adjacent platform, but the resulting way across is blocked by another wall.

  2. This is how I first got into the cavern, but it's now at the bottom of a long wide well with overhangs to prevent wall-jumping.

  3. A dark passage, blocked. I can see the silhouette of what looks like a toll tower, but I can't interact with it.

  4. Only accessible with a high jump that I don't seem to have.

  5. A dark passage with a crystal floor. This is the most frustrating, because it seems to be crossable in theory, but it's dark and there's a crystal hunter flying around making it exceedingly difficult to get across.

I may have done things in an unusual order, because I don't have a light source or a double-jump, either of which would make some of these passages accessible.

Abilities I do have: wall jump, dash, super dash, as well as sharpened nail, blade whirl, vengeful soul (ranged magic attack), and downward magic strike (breaks floor). Sorry that I don't recall the precise names of any of them.

(Please make answers as spoiler-free as possible).

Best Answer

To address each of these in order:

  1. You can reach this exit with the super dash (aka the Crystal Dash). You can charge a super dash while either standing on the floor or sliding down a wall. With that in combination with some regular platforming, you can get all the way to the end.

  2. This is only an entrance, not an exit. It can never be reached from this side.

  3. You can only interact with this toll if you have the light, so you cannot go this way.

  4. It is quite difficult to get up there without an ability you will get later in the game. Minor spoilers about what's beyond that point:

    Even if you do get up there, that is not an exit anyway.

  5. This area can be a little tricky even if you have the light. I know some speedruns go this way without the light so it is possible, but it would be very frustrating.